Top 50 best WhatsApp status

“Every WhatsApp status is always a silent message to someone” and it is one of the greatest way to express your feelings and thoughts to someone you wanted to, without making it awkward. Check out new updates of whatsapp status below.

I can read you even with my eyes closed :)
I want you to know but I can’t tell you
But just friends don’t look at each other’s profile so often!
And suddenly all the love songs were about you
“Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them “
It’s not the future you’re afraid of. It’s repeating the pasts that hurts you.
Relationships are meaningless if you can’t actively express your genuine emotions without feeling ashamed.
“We all are afraid to say something worth saying. 
Die wit Memories… Not Dreams.

My CPU utilization goes high when there is no ping reply.
Attitude is like underwear- don’t show it just wore it.
Don’t let your emotions make you their bitch.
I’m not here to be average. I’m here to be the awesome.
My first thought in the morning is always you…
I wonder if we ever think of each other at the same time.
No more love songs… :(
and you’re just another fairy tale story I can’t tell anymore
My mind replays what the heart can’t delete.